Max Payne 3 is DARK and GOOD

I just finished playing Max Payne 3. It's a great game and carries the dark vibe of the Max Payne series, the story revolves around Max Payne who is now a retired cop and does body guarding for an Elite family. The game is divided into past and present sequences so we get to play as the old old Max pain in the black leather trench coat on the dark pathways of New York and also so the new Max Payne body guarding the rich kids in nightclubs. The game consists both of these flashback sequences and present sequences which I think sometimes broke the pace of the game. When you really start digging into the present story you are immediately thrown into a flashback sequence.

The story of the game accelerates really quickly as the kidnapping of his clients on his  watch sets in motion a chain of events that draws Max into a much larger, more sinister story.

Talking about the game play experience it is undeniably violent which is fully acceptable as it is a Max Payne game. It has a large amount of guns that you can select to suit your play style, although it's always heads-up aggressive and there is not much "room" for stealth. We have the classic slow motion shooting also the close combat in this game is far better than the previous games as it portrays the combat skills of Max Payne.
the best part here is the gameplay is actually repetitive (you get in and shoot some bad guys) but it never felt repetitive

Also while playing the game the character of Max Payne itself felt to me like a combination of John Wick and Hitman for some reason.

The only con I felt with this game was the narrative style as sometimes it leaves the player confused about what is going on in the story.

Story: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Animations: 9/10
Visuals: 8/10
Narration: 7/10
Level Designs: 8.5/10
Involvement of player: 10/10


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